16th Dec 2024
Old man yells at cloud.
I really like the invention of serverless architecture. It lowered the barrier to entry for creating experimental work. I have a number of small projects that I use to familiarise myself with new technologies and patterns, and the running cost of all of them is around $5 AUD per month1. Since I don’t market these projects or make them profitable, keeping costs low is essential.
Were I to deploy them on traditional architectures, the cost would be approximately $100 AUD per month (the smallest EC2 server costs $4 AUD per month).
However, if I were to turn a project into a product, I would migrate from serverless to servers once it reached a certain scale. At scale, servers become more cost-effective, and predictable cloud costs make financial planning easier. Additionally, it avoids the ever-present risk of infinite recursion2, which keeps me awake at night.
For these reasons, I prefer to build my services in a way that allows them to be deployed to different architectures3.
What I’ve noticed, however, is that a lot of serverless tooling takes an opposite perspective, with serverless-specific infrastructure as code, and unique deployment. I can see why this could be desireable, cloud architecture is difficult and cloud services want to provide a way to abstract it away, with the bonus that clients will find it difficult to change providers if they scale.
My preference is when building small, build for flexibility.
Take web services as an example. I like to build them so that they perform their own routing, which means they can be run locally as a web API, be deployed to API Gateway to run by lambdas (with all endpoints pointing to the same lambda), or be deployed to a server to act as its own router. This approach comes with additional overhead and a more complex entrypoint, but I appreciate the consistency in local development and flexibility to change deployment targets.
Recently, I’ve been building with Rust, and the axum
web framework allows the use of consistent routing logic with a different way of serving.
I use this as a template for my web services. The source code is here.
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let trace_layer =
TraceLayer::new_for_http().on_request(|request: &Request<Body>, _: &tracing::Span| {
method = %request.method(),
uri = %request.uri(),
headers = ?request.headers(),
message = "begin request!"
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handle_root))
.route("/from_api", get(handle_from_api))
#[cfg(feature = "api_gateway_trigger")]
let app = tower::ServiceBuilder::new()
#[cfg(feature = "local_trigger")]
let addr = std::net::SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await.unwrap();
axum::serve(listener, app).await
The biggest costs are the domain names, ECR registries, and SQS. Annoyingly, lambdas will poll SQS queues even if they are empty 99% of the time. I would love it if the polling would turn off due to inactivity, and turn back on based on internal queue events. ↩
I wish cloud services had a project-scoped kill-switch. If my project costs exceed a threshold, kill all compute. ↩
This enables other cool things, like lambdas to quickly respond to increased demand while your system scales up more servers. ↩